Latest Feedback from our “fans”!

Karen Roberts
I think Scenturion is a great product and I keep a bottle handy in each closet where I keep shoes. I may not have to use it this often, but I spray it in each shoe right after I take them off and it really works well in eliminating the order. It especially works well on my running shoes that take a beating out in the Texas heat!

Andrew Arredondo
We love Scenturion in our rental departments, it really helps to fight the dreaded boot stank you get with rental ski boots. A few sprays and odors are gone within the hour thanks to Scenturion’s proprietary formula. This year especially, with fears surrounding the coronavirus, it was nice knowing this product is naturally anti-bacterial and it really complimented our standard sanitation processes nicely. We keep a bottle in the staff break room to de-stink bike shoes after lunch rides and smelly facemasks after a long day of work.
Scott Miltenberger
I was given a sample of Scenturion® at a Sporting Goods equipment show in Las Vegas. As a football coach, I can tell you that a football locker room can be a smelly place during the summer and fall season. Since been given the sample of Scenturion® I have used the product in our locker room at school on all of our football gear from the helmet down to our shoes. I like how the product helps eliminates odor as well as sanitizes our equipment.
Another use of Scenturion® that I’ve found to be useful is in our kennel area at home. My wife is a volunteer with a local pet rescue organization. We have cats coming and going to our home weekly. The product has been very helpful in eliminating odor as well as sanitizing the area we use as a kennel.
William Hix
I wanted to pass on my thanks to you and Scenturion for helping me become an accepted part of my team. For months, before Scenturion, I was shunned by my co-workers for reasons that were a mystery to me. I looked like them, acted like them and dressed like them, but I could not break through the wall they had built up keeping me at an innocuous distance. I wondered if it was just my personality or was it something worse… did I smell bad but no one was brave enough to say the words? A few weeks ago I had the good fortune to work a trade show and saw the Scenturion booth advertising a product that I thought might work for a street cop’s body armor. I waited until the next day to speak with you about using Scenturion on my body armor, as Texas summers and police body armor don’t get along too well, and you described how it works and that it was safe to use on my vest. Being the consummate sales rep that you are, you offered a sample of your product and told me to try it out and let you know how it worked. Well, the results speak for themselves! I treated my body armor with Scenturion and after several days of use I noticed my co-workers had moved to a pleasant and friendly distance making me feel part of the team. At that point I realized that I needed Scenturion in my life. I had been missing so much just because I was too embarrassed to ask for help. Scenturion has given me my professional life back and at the twilight of my career I no longer feel ashamed and self-conscious after a hot and sweaty shift in the Texas heat. Bless you and bless Scenturion!!!!

Once we had all tried Scenturion®, we had to tell everyone about it
Jeff Bailey
This season we sprayed Scenturion® on all of our Football equipment and have never had a product that works like it. When sweat hits the Nano Silver Scenturion® it kills all the bacteria and has the added benefit of killing odor. I recommend that all Teams use it.
Planet Soccer
We had a group of players and parents from the recent soccer tournaments come into our store and buy a half dozen bottles of your Scenturion products. One of the parents had previously purchased the 4oz bottle and told everyone how well it works. I wish we had more items in the accessory category that sold as well….
Skatetime School Program
We treated 1 wrist guard with Scenturion. We DID NOT treat other wrist guard with Scenturion.The wrist guards were used 3 classes/day , Monday thru Friday, for 5 weeks with Grades 3-5. Each class was approximately 50 minutes in length. Total minutes used – 150min/day x 5d x 5 weeks = 62.5 hours When we picked up the wrist guards on Friday, the Scenturion treated wrist guard DID NOT smell. The untreated wrist guard smelled awful from 3 feet away. 4 days later the smell is still evident on the untreated wrist guard. https://www.skatetime.com

Whit Carminati
I used Scenturion® on a pair of shoes that I never thought I would get the stink out of and it worked and keeps working. After that, I knew Scenturion® was something we had to use our Rental Boots at all our locations.
Grant Hazelton
I tried the Scenturion® spray before I left, it’s incredible, 7 full days of skating in South Africa and 4 days in California around the Blading Cup and my liners don’t even smell!!!! Thank you.

Joe Mastrati
At all our locations we sell Scenturion® because it works to sanitize and eliminate odor. With its Nano Silver reactivated by sweat it last for weeks. We offer it for sale to our customers, who once they have tried it won’t buy anything else, and use we use it to treat all the used equipment we sell
Bill Cowtan
As a player, coach and parent, it always seemed an endless struggle to control the sanitary condition of hockey equipment, and the odor that accompanied the equipment when it was hung up to dry. Of course in “the old days” as a player, and more recently as a coach & parent, we came to learn that the odor was the bacteria that so badly needed to be controlled and destroyed. Over a span of 13 years, I was fortunate enough to be involved with Team Canada as one of the assistant equipment staff, mostly involved with the World Championship teams in May of each year. I also worked as the team liaison and helped out in the dressing room with the Finnish National Team during the Canada Cup series. Odor and bacteria control was always an issue, especially in these tournaments due to the heavy schedule of games, within a very short period of time. Recently I moved to Florida, as a snowbird, living 6 months in Florida, where I now play hockey 2 times per week. So, drying one’s equipment has to take in the humidity factor, making it even more difficult to control that bacteria, and the accompanying odor. I recently started using Scenturion®, to treat my hockey equipment. It’s formulated with Nanosilver, which prevents microbial growth that causes the odor. I can honestly say that of all the other products I have used in an effort to kill the bacteria and the odor problems, Scenturion® is by far the best product for instantaneous results, and continues to perform long after the first application. Scenturion® is the only product for me, and it’s the product that is now in the homes of my children and grandchildren, all of whom are actively involved in not just hockey but many other sports. Scenturion® can be used for all sports, pet bedding, automobiles, the list goes on & on. It works, it’s a great product, it’s the only one we use.
Jimmy Pedro
Lineen S. -Mother of teenage athlete
“My son’s shoes and sneakers were not allowed in the house. After a couple of applications I was amazed, there was absolutely no odor! It was the only product that worked!”
“What I like about Scenturion is that after our customers buy it for the first time, they come back and buy it again.”

Bruce Garrapy
“I would like to take this time to let everyone know Scenturion is the real deal… I sell it in my hockey store and use it on my two boys smelly gear. I used it as a sample my rep gave me before I brought it into my store and used it on my son’s gear. I used it every skate for two weeks and it took the smell right out, I now use it every two weeks on the gear. NO MORE SMELLY HOCKEY ROOM AT MY HOUSE. Thanks Dave for hooking me up with this great new product.”
Sandy S.
“Product is working on the hockey gear” “Not masking the odor” “Really working well on the dog beds-they get wet-bad smells”
Bob D. – Attorney/Hockey League Player
“Product works-no sweat odor” “Makes a difference” “Sprayed one pad – not the other – and could tell the difference”

“Scenturion is the only product we use in our shop at Kevin Smith Sports. It doesn’t mask the odor with a fragrance, just for the odor to come back soon thereafter. It removes the odor and the bacteria that causes odor and protects them from coming back. It’s the only product we use and it’s the only product we sell.”
Tamara T. – Football Mom
“Scenturion works! I sprayed my son’s football gear before his first practice. Three months later, the season was over and the gear didn’t have any odor!”
Chris Joswiak
“Scenturion is a fantastic product that works effectively. Being in the hockey industry I have come across many sprays and products that neutralize odors. Scenturion is the most effective that I have found and continues to do its work even after the first application. Nothing is worse than the smell coming from a goaltenders glove, particularly in the wrist cuff and finger stalls, but Scenturion has completely neutralized the smell while killing the harmful bacteria. I will not try another product again!” “After testing Scenturion myself, I have also passed it on to some NHL goalies this offseason to do further testing and see how it combats the smell/bacteria in their gear. Everyone who has tried it, says it has helped extensively and wants to keep the bottle!”
Milan L. – Restaurant Manager/Senior League Hockey Player
“This stuff works-used it several times” “Went back and sprayed the rugs in my car” “No perfume-like odors”

Whit Carminati
“We are using Scenturion® with Nanosilver and Ionic Shield® Technology this season at all of our locations. It has actually exceeded my expectations. I cannot believe how effective it is and how long it lasts. In addition to some of our Rental Ski Boots, we have sprayed over 1,500 pairs of Snow Board Boots. I am glad we have finally found something that works and keeps on working.”
Luis Corona
“We have been applying Scenturion(r) spray to the customer skates as they come in for sharpening -our customers are coming back in to tell us how well it works -I continue to use your product on my equipment and I have to say it is the best odor eliminator I have used.”
Jim Crandall
“We have been using your Scenturion(r) brand odor spray in our skate sharpening area for several months and we are now getting customers coming in and asking for your products – it works great and we are recommending it to our customers.”
Doug Shearer
“We use Scenturion because it works eliminating Odor and Sanitizing our players skates and equipment.”
Charlie Mackey
“We use Scenturion because it works. With the Nano Silver, after spraying everything at the beginning of the season, we just spray all our Equipment once a month. Scenturion sanitizes and eliminates odor.”
Shawn K. – Proprietor Software Security Co. / Youth Hockey Coach
“Been using the product-works very well” “Using the spray on the equipment and on the back of my truck” “My wife now allows me to bring the hockey gear into the house!”